3 Fashionable Ways to Wear A Faux Fur Stole

How to wear faux fur is a question that is on everyone’s lips this season. Whether you like it or not, faux fur is somewhat of a winter staple. With so many options in a variety of styles, faux fur can be utterly glamorous for a night on the town, or dressed down and comfortable for lunch. But if a faux fur coat or faux fur vest is too much fur for you to handle, try a faux fur stole. Faux fur stoles are so in right now. Purchase a faux fur stole to mix and match this piece with almost any outfit. A faux fur stole can be worn with a cardigan or a winter coat to make it more elegant, a leather jacket to add texture, or with a dress for that finishing touch. If you’re thinking about buying a faux fur stole in the next few months, keep reading, so you can reveal three ways to wear a faux fur stole….

Draped over your shoulders

The easiest way to wear a faux fur stole is to drape it around the neck and shoulders of a collared jacket or coat, to strike the contrast you need to make this style work.

With a plain dress

Faux fur stoles make a big statement – so they look really well paired with simple pieces. If you pair a gorgeous faux fur stole with a chic plain black dress, for example, you can really jazz up your look.

Over one shoulder

You can always drape a faux fur stole over just one shoulder. You may have to stop it from falling off every five minutes – but this look is so deliciously avant garde you won’t care!

Whichever look you choose, you need to think about balance. Faux fur stoles can make a bit of a splash, so you don’t want to overcrowd it with statement jewellery, big patterns or clashing colours. Keep it simple and you’ll be able to rock winter stoles all season long!

3 Fashionable Ways to Wear A Faux Fur Stole

Photo via: miamiamine.com

3 Fashionable Ways to Wear A Faux Fur Stole

Photo via: trendytaste.com

3 Fashionable Ways to Wear A Faux Fur Stole

Photo via: miamiamine.com

3 Fashionable Ways to Wear A Faux Fur Stole

Photo via: seeannajane.com

I can’t wait to break out my faux fur stole this season! What is your favorite way to wear faux fur stole? Tell me in the comment section below and of course, don’t forget to stay up to date with Fashionsy to find many other outfit ideas for your inspiration.