32 Learning Theories Every Teacher Should Know

32 Learning Theories Every Teacher Should Know

Teachers encounter different kinds of learners in their classrooms, thus, they require an in-depth realization and also multiple approaches to cater to the diverse cognitive needs of their pupils. In this regard, https://researchpapers.io/do-my-research-paper-cheap/ allows for better understanding and helps teachers expedite knowledge acquisition and outcomes in their class. Here is a synopsis of 32 important learning principles:  


Aptitude-Treatment Interaction (ATI) 


This concept is based on the conviction that certain types of students may benefit from a particular kind of training more than others because of their unique skills.


The Cognitive Dissonance Theory


An idea that lays emphasis on the need to look for uniformity in students’ thinking patterns that is their notions, beliefs, and viewpoints.


The Theory of Cognitive Flexibility


This idea concentrates on knowledge acquisition is complicated and haphazard and changes according to different situations.


The Learning Theory of Connectivism


Belonging behavioral psychology, this principle sees education as the strong and weak linkages prevailing between stimulation and reaction.


Attribution Theory


This notion envisages how learners infer their exposure, which shapes their thinking patterns and beliefs and governs their actions and mannerisms.


Conversation Theory


This model sees the purpose of the conversation to generate an informed view about knowledge and seek harmony among its different aspects.


Criterion Referenced Instruction (CRI) Theory


This knowledge configuration takes into account the following steps toward teaching:

      1. Goal Identification
      2. Objectives
      3. Criteria


Double Loop Learning


This view of learning revolves around ‘action’ and problem-solving. ‘What’ people believe in and ‘how’ they actually act – are two aspects requiring assimilation.  


Elaboration Theory


This framework takes into account the perception that knowledge steps should be planned in the order of increasing dexterity, i.e., from the simplest to the most complex gradually.

Experiential Learning

This theory lays emphasis on qualities likes involvement, initiative, self-evaluation, and persistence. It considers learning to have two aspects: Theoretical and Practical.

The Functional Context 

This way of learning says that educational material should have relevance to learners’ practical lives.  When learners find knowledge relevant, they can enforce it easily.

General Problem Solver 

The theory envisages that a design can be used to sort out to resolve issues with the help of cognitive behavior. It involves:


Information Pickup


This model assumes that a learner distinguishes evidence through interrelating with the surroundings and finding hints from the surroundings, i.e., hues, form, shadow, tactility, etc.


Information Processing

The concept states that info is a cognitive procedure or behavior comprising Info chunks and TOTE blocks.

Levels of Processing

This theory holds that info is synthesized at carried levels. For example, in-depth information and better stimulus synthesis lead to better memorization.


Lateral Thinking 

This theory has these important stages: a notion, Out of the box thinking, problem-solving


Mathematical Learning

This system of knowledge holds that in the presence of a comprehensive knowledge process framework and ample time, the best instructional plan can be prepared for a student.

Mathematical Problem-solving


This theoretical statement revolves around the notion that math can be taught and learned as a procedure to resolve a problem.





This model of teaching and learning takes into account how students successfully learn through focused instruction, hands-on activities, acquiring knowledge through mistakes and corrections, and a close connection with the real world.  


Multiple Intelligences


This theory recognizes seven types of intelligence:

    • Linguistic
    • Musical
    • Mathematical
    • Spatial
    • Body-kinesthetic
    • Intrapersonal
    • Interpersonal


Social Learning Theory


This model elaborates that people’s manners, mental state, feelings, and expressions can be used to create behavior models helpful in teaching and bringing about efficacious outcomes.


Transformative Learning


This notion is about: the use of constructivism methodology for problem resolution, making connections between the source and the outcome, and expressing their emotions and wishes.  


Modes of Learning


Three types of learning make the base of this idea, namely addition of new knowledge, organizing ideas, and tweaking for perfection.


Repair Theory


This concept is about how people acquire practical proficiencies through trial and errors. They come across a problem and make several successful and unsuccessful attempts to repair the mistake.


Situated Learning


This theory is based on the belief that one acquires knowledge through action, situation and in a particular ethos, and not isolation.  

Social Development Theory 



This work takes into account how cognition is developed through social contact helps in mental development. Thus, cognizance is the result of acculturation.  

Theory of Originality

The framework assesses how unique ideas can be increased by providing usual impetus to the subjects, inviting varied answers, inviting unusual answers to the same situation.


Structural Learning Theory


This view propagates that problems can be solved through ingenuity, altering the existing rules, coming up with newer ones, and evolving higher order rules.


Structure of Intellect 

This theory sees intelligence as procedures, knowledge, and outcomes. There are 180 constituents in this organization of knowledge leading to different capabilities.


Drive Reduction Theory  



This theory dictates that an incentive impacts a person and their physiognomies lead to a subsequent reaction. Thus, learning is impacted by motivation and satisfaction seeking.


GOMS Theory


This idea revolves around synthesizing text and design in a structured way, i.e., goals, operators, modes, mode selection.  


Phenomenography Theory


This frame sees learning from the perspective of learners, i.e., using learners’ accounts and dialogues to construct the meaning and usefulness of the given information.