3 Reasons Why Dry Skin is More Prone to External and Internal Damage

Skincare, or rather the two sides of it, mostly deal with two types of skin – namely oily and dry. There are varying degrees of each, as well as some rarer skin conditions which cause the skin to change type according to season or become erratic. For the most part, human skin falls in the aforementioned two categories.

As far as weather related damage goes, by far the most vulnerable is dry skin. Following are some reasons as to why dry skin can be more vulnerable to damage.

3 Reasons Why Dry Skin is More Prone to External and Internal Damage

Dry Skin Does Not Have Adequate Natural Barriers

When the skin dries out, it becomes even more prone to damage caused by natural elements. This damage can be anything, from mild sunburn to rashes, blisters, and in some cases even skin cancer. All of this can be triggered by completely natural stimuli, if you do not take adequate care of your skin, and if you ignore signs of trouble for extended periods of time.

A reason for this is that dry skin is not very good at preventing damage due to a weakened natural shield. Said shield exists in the form of lipids and water, which when the skin is dry, does not stay under the skin for long. It tends to evaporate faster, which then results in the parched and chapped appearance that signifies dry skin.

All of this results in the skin becoming more vulnerable to all manner of damage, both internal as well as external, with the latter being more extreme.

How to Fortify Dry Skin

When the skin is overly dry, it requires a lot more support and fortification. This is why it is necessary to supply the skin with sufficient hydration and nutrition; so that the skin repairs damage more easily and fortifies itself against incoming damage. Fortified and hydrated skin also prevents acne from breaking out.

Dry Skin is Less Likely to Repair Itself Quickly

The repair mechanism that is built into the skin depends upon a lot of factors. Following are some of those factors.

  • A sufficient supply of nutrients is required by the skin to repair and recuperate. The skin cells differ from the rest of the body’s cells minutely, in the way that they require more collagen, as they are responsible to hold and contain the mass of the body within it. In addition to that, the skin tissue requires antioxidants in order to deter free radicals and detoxify.
  • The skin tissue requires a lot of hydration, which is also the main reason why dry skin is more prone to outside damage. Hydration causes the skin to become more resistant to wear and tear, as well as more efficient in terms of rejuvenation.

How to Enable Quicker Skin Repair

The skin is easily the toughest barrier that the body has against external damage. In fact, it is the only barrier, which is why it needs to be protected against natural elements. You can enable quicker repair by moisturizing and consuming ingredients and nutrients that support faster repair.

Dry Skin will Experience Worsening of Symptoms with Age

Ageing is one of the most major issues that come with having dry skin. It is so serious a problem that there is an entire branch of skincare dedicated to it. Anti-ageing products are very popular among those with dry skin, and if you were to look at some properties of these products, you would instantly know why.

With age, dry skin will begin to break down and disintegrate at a microscopic level. This breakage will continue until there is very little left in the way of collagen and skin-binding substances. If the breakage is left unchecked, the individual could experience severe blemishes and in some cases, serious skin diseases

How to Revitalize and Prevent Skin Ageing

While it is impossible to turn back time, you can slow down its progression a bit – especially when it comes to dry skin. Moisturize and take good care of your skin in the dry months and in general, to ensure that you have healthy, supple and glowing skin that shows its beauty!

As always, consult with a medical professional if you experience any severe conditions or allergies.