4 Ways to Get Your Product Noticed by Influential Fashion Bloggers

Social media and online marketing have provided fashion bloggers influence over consumers like never before. This is why brands flock to them as a part of their marketing strategy. Partnering with bloggers enables you to connect with your target audience effectively. As with any type of partnership, getting influential fashion bloggers to notice your products and building a strong relationship takes careful planning and creative strategy.

Identify the right bloggers

There is a wealth of bloggers online for every niche. This is why it is important to not just connect with any blogger, they need to be the right ones for your goal.  When searching for the right bloggers to help you sell clothes online, you need to consider a few factors.

  • Do they write valuable and engaging content?
  • Are they responsive to their audience?
  • Do they speak to the same demographic as you?

For example, a blogger can take a lot of pretty pictures and have millions of followers but if their content is not geared towards the same audience that you are trying to reach, their influence may not be as valuable to you. Ultimately, you need to find the fashion blogger that is influencing the people you are trying to speak to.

Use online tools such as Klout, Technorati, Tomoson and Page Rank Checker to find bloggers in your industry. These tools are useful when checking the blogger’s niche and the size of their influence.

Build a relationship

Building a relationship with bloggers makes your pitch stronger. Start with engaging with their content liking and sharing their social media posts and commenting on their blog. The best way to connect with people through social media is to be interested. Post a question that is related to their content and niche.

If their email is available on their social media pages or website, send them an email to compliment them on their content, ask questions, or provide additional insight. Building a strong relationship with bloggers from the ground up helps you introduce yourself to fashion bloggers without being too pushy and helps you find a common ground that is valuable to start a mutually beneficial relationship.


Most bloggers include their email address on their website and social media bios. Oftentimes, they also write guidelines on how to contact them. Make sure to respect these do’s and dont’s.

When emailing fashion bloggers, be clear about your intention. Always highlight ‘What’s in it for them?’ Personalize and be concise. Attach additional information that you feel they need to know about you and your product.

Blogger exclusives

Fashion bloggers aspire to be the movers and shakers of their industry. With the cut throat competition in the fashion industry and the online world, they want to be the first at everything.

Offer bloggers that you want to work with a chance at the first look at your products and an option of doing a review before everyone else. A lot of successful brands invite bloggers to an exclusive in store launches. Online stores often provide goody bags for their yet to be revealed products. Offering bloggers something that is exclusive to them will help strengthen your relationship and pitch.