Attending college is a costly venture, and the costs may quickly add up even more when you see the price of your textbooks for the upcoming semester. In fact, you might be tempted to just avoid buying the books. However, remember that the professor has requested that you purchase them for reason. Whether you need to bring the books to class or the guides are intended to bolster your understanding of the assignments that you complete at home, finding ways to procure these books at a reduced cost is often pivotal.
Buy Old Books
If you know other students who have already taken the classes, find out if they’re willing to sell you their books. Many colleges do have buy-back days at the end of the semester, but bookstores don’t always offer the best price. In the event that you are willing to pay even just a little bit more than the bookstore is, you might find that you can get great books at a reduced price. Do keep in mind that some books have new editions that come out each year or so. Therefore, you’ll need to make certain than an older edition is okay with the professor.
Use Digital Copies
Some books are available in their full forms online. These books might come at no cost or at a significant lower cost than the ones on the shelves. When you want to use a digital version of a book, you should first check with the professor. Some professor do not allow electronics in the classroom. As a result, you would have no way to access your digital copy. In other cases, you’ll discover that digital versions are accepted and even encouraged.
Share Your Books
Perhaps a sibling or a friend is taking the same course but at a different time. While you need to make sure that the books are the same for both sections of the course, you may have the opportunity to share the book. This method could work well if you’re both reading the same novel at different times of the semester. However, it could fail in the event that you both need the same book at virtually the same time.
Search Online
If you check your email before the semester starts, you might discover that your professors have sent out messages encouraging you to explore online for lower textbook prices. Some of these sites might offer second-hand books that still provide you with the information that you need but at a lower cost. Also, you can cut down on the time needed to shop at the store. Having the books delivered right to your house means you don’t have to spend funds on the gas.
Buy and Trade Online
You don’t have to just go to some random website to get the books that you need to perform well in your classes. Instead, you can check out BooksRun, which allows you to both buy and rent your textbooks. Another benefit of this website is that the shipping is free. When you’re worried about having to pay huge shipping costs, you can let that fear go and just focus on your studies.
Rent at the Bookstore
When you need a book for tomorrow’s class, you might have no option but to go to the college’s bookstore. Even though you know that the prices are going to probably be high, you need that book. Instead of shelling out large sums of money to purchase the book, find out if the bookstore allows for rentals. Many college campuses have started to take on this practice to help students save on the price of books. If you decide to rent a book, you will then likely pay less than you would if you were purchasing it outright.
Shop Early
Some college students like to wait until the first day of class to meet their professors and to find out what books they will need for the classes. However, most colleges make this information available online well in advance of the semester’s start. In fact, some colleges require professors to place fall book orders when the spring semester is still underway. Shopping early can help you to save money. If you are new to college, you might not quite understand how quickly classes can develop. In other words, you might start class on a Wednesday and find out that there’s a quiz on a Friday. Then, you’re going to have to race to the bookstore and buy the book or pay for expedited shipping and hope the text arrives. By shopping early, you give yourself the chance to check out deals.
Make Photocopies
When you’re really strapped for cash, you might need to make photocopies of the textbook’s pages until you can get your own version. In order to make this idea come into fruition, you will need to find a classmate who is willing to do so. Also, you need to check into copyright laws. You cannot just copy whatever you want. Most college libraries have a specialist who is specifically in charge of relaying copyright laws.
When you start to add up the cost of your textbooks, you might feel nervous, especially because you know that you need this material to succeed. Fortunately, you don’t have to spend all of your money on books; you can use these methods for reducing the costs.