Ice Rink High Fashion

People have been ice skating for longer than you might think: in fact the earliest bone ice skates date to around 5,000 years ago. Things have certainly come a long way since then, but it’s still a great activity for all the family to enjoy, and one of the most fun ways to keep fit that there is. Modern ice rinks are also great places to meet friends, which is why it’s important to dress to impress when you’re about to step out onto the ice. A perfect skating dress, boots and bag can be a winning combination to compare with a half loop into a triple salchow.

Ice Rink High Fashion

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What to Wear When Ice Skating

Ice skating rinks are, as you’d expect, rather cold, so your skating apparel has to be practical as well as fashionable. You may have been inspired by the recent Winter Olympics at PyeongChang, where the brilliant Alina Zagitova took ice skating gold at just 15 years of age, but don’t be tempted to adopt the skating tutu that she’s become famous for wearing. More comfortable, not to mention convenient, skating dresses can be bought at a range of specialist retailers, and with dresses available in every color you can find one that’s a perfect match for your own personal style. Leggings can also be worn, but don’t wear jeans as they don’t give you the flexibility you need on the ice.

High Quality Skating Shoes

Shoes provide the finishing touch to any outfit, and they’re even more important when you go skating. You’ll want to wear ice skating boots that look stylish, but they also have to be designed to propel you smoothly across the ice at the same time as providing support to your ankles and padding for your feet and heels. For a really stylish skate that meets all these requirements, turn to an expert in the field like Riedell who provide custom skate boots as well as off the peg designs that are the choice of many amateur and professional ice skaters.

The Perfect Skating Accessories

You have the perfect skating outfit and the perfect ice skating boots, but as always, it’s important to ensure that your accessories don’t let you down. When it comes to a trip to the ice rink this means gloves, skate guards and boot covers, and your ice skating bag. These are all functional items, but careful selection means they can be beautiful as well. Skate guards, for example, protect the blades of the skates when you’re off the ice and walking away from the rink, but you can add a sparkling touch to them with crystal infused guards or even skate guards that light up when you walk.

When you watch accomplished ice skaters circle a rink, they look effortlessly graceful, but in fact they’ve put a lot of effort into what they’re doing. The effort that you put into choosing your skate outfit, ice skating boots and skating accessories will also be noticed and can make you look stylish and elegant on and off the ice. You may not skate like an Olympic star, but with the right care and attention you can certainly strike gold in the fashion stakes.