5 Items to Add to Your Wardrobe After Having a Baby

At the height of maternity, your belly needed a different sort of fit than the waistband on your favorite skinny jeans. Instead, you needed to upgrade your wardrobe with maternity wear that could show off your baby bump and keep you comfortable in the process. Postpartum, you’ll find that a similar transformation has to occur. After having a baby, a new mom needs to make sure her closet fits her current body comfortably and effectively. 

1. Your Favorite Maternity Clothes

5 Items to Add to Your Wardrobe After Having a Baby

No, you’re not currently pregnant. But, after spending so much time finding the best maternity jeans, why wouldn’t you use them? Most moms will rock those maternity jeans for at least three months postpartum as their bodies recover from pregnancy. But, even after that, you may very well prefer the fit of this dependable denim to the regular jeans you would have worn pre-pregnancy! 

2. Quick and Easy Options

5 Items to Add to Your Wardrobe After Having a Baby

If you’ve always been a high-maintenance person, it can be challenging to deal with having someone else’s needs come before your own. Your baby was your top priority for nine months or so, and that doesn’t change after delivery. Mothers notoriously sacrifice their own needs and desires for their children. Still, this doesn’t mean you can’t have a touch of luxury in your wardrobe. If you love to wear fake nails, fresh manicures, and eye-catching nail art, consider opting for stick on nail design options instead. Your nails will still look incredible but will only take a few minutes to apply or refresh. You can make five minutes for yourself when your baby sleeps! 

3. Comfortable Confidence Boosts

5 Items to Add to Your Wardrobe After Having a Baby

Through pregnancy and this current postpartum period, it’s common for a new mom to feel like her body is no longer her own. Naturally, your body has undergone many changes over the past year. Nevertheless, it’s still your body, and you deserve to feel good about it. Seek out comfortable clothes and accessories that help you regain that self-love and confidence you may have lost. If you feel best with the supportive waistband of your go-to maternity jeans, so be it! You’ll feel better in a perfect fit that might not be so trendy than you ever would in the latest trends—and that confidence will inevitably shine through. 

4. Accessible Outfits

5 Items to Add to Your Wardrobe After Having a Baby

If you’re breastfeeding or pumping, you’ll know how important it is to have easy access to your breasts when the time comes. Many companies make clothes that are specifically designed for nursing to be easier. Even regular garments can be accessible, though—look through your existing closet or pay attention to the pieces on a rack to find options that offer easy access. In the immediate postpartum period, you might want to focus on access for your lower half, too. If you have to replace a witch hazel or cooling pad, the faster, the better—you have a baby to get back to! 

5. Easy-to-Clean Pieces

5 Items to Add to Your Wardrobe After Having a Baby

When it comes to your new mom-wear, you’ll quickly learn that one particular feature is vital, no matter the type of clothing in question: How easy is it to clean? Spit-up situations and diaper disasters are inevitable with an infant. Yet, you don’t have the time to carefully spot-clean every shirt that gets a stain. Instead, try opting for materials and fabrics like cotton that come clean with minimal time and effort. 

After having a baby, your newborn is the first thing you think about in any situation. Nevertheless, you can still feel confident and comfortable when it comes to your clothes. By giving your wardrobe a bit of TLC, you can ensure that your maternity jeans, nursing bra, and go-to nail stickers are ready to support you and your baby in any situation.