The real estate industry is all about looking good. From a particular house that’s up for sale, to the high-rise commercial office space, to the farmland that’s hitting the market, it all needs to look good. You may be readying your sample home for staging purposes or showcasing condos in the Toronto area online like Lake & Town, you must have a good visual and aesthetic appeal to your product for it to be considered by the prospective investor or buyer. (7 Fashion Tips and Styles for Hardworking Real Estate Agents. Source: Pixabay)
Similarly, real estate agents and brokers need to look professional as their dress code depicts volumes about themselves or the realtors they represent. Since a lot of real estate business depends on appearances, the hardworking agents must look confident and experienced through their clothes. Here, we shall discuss a few tips that will help you answer that one important question – what should you wear at this crucial property showing?
1) Business Casuals
The way you dress up can reveal a lot about your personality and qualities as a real estate agent. It can also be a way for your prospective clients to build trust with you. Agents can avoid questions about their age and experience if they dress up in a suit and a tie. Putting on a blazer is something that defines smart business casual wardrobe. Avoid one with shiny or gold buttons and stick to darker colors. A double-breasted navy coat is a safe bet and a necktie to around it.
For female real estate professionals, business casuals could mean wearing a skirt or dress slacks, sweater, blouse or a twin set. Wearing plain dress pants, a shirt or a blouse with flat shoes is acceptable and a jacket can be optional.
If you’re short on budget to refurbish your wardrobe, invest in two good things – nice shoes and a well-tailored blazer. With that in order, you can pull off any neutral clothing without a problem and still look proficient and smart.
2) Keep It Simple
Make sure you’re not wearing too much perfume or heavy jewelry while you’re showing off the property. The same can go for over-the-top colors or funky ties. Clients would want to speak further with a smartly dressed professional rather that someone who’s just had her hair turned purple. To balance the masculinity of the suit, the ladies can wear their hair down
3) Blend In
A lot depends upon the type of property you’re selling too. The key remains to blend in your surroundings. While business casuals will remain the norm for most real estate dealings like commercial space, single homes, apartments and villas, other properties may require different styles of dressing. If you’re showing a ranch then you may be required to dress down to jeans, western shirts and cowboy boots. Those in the resort business go with semi-casual clothing. It is advisable for you to have a change of clothing ready when the situation calls for it.
4) Must Do’s
Ensure that you always take care of your shoes. Your nails are well manicured and your roots are well maintained if you color your hair. Make it a point that your clothing is fitted and not tight. The lengths and shapes of your skirts and pants are decent and conservative. Keep the makeup simple.
(7 Fashion Tips and Styles for Hardworking Real Estate Agents. Source: Unsplash)
5) Always avoid
See-through blouses, shirts, strappy sandals or stilettos, visible bra straps and thongs are a strict no-no! For males, if you’re not wearing a necktie, ensure that your undershirt isn’t visible. Even if it is the hottest of days, don’t go for your showing in t-shirts and shorts, never!
6) Adapt to the elements
Just like everyone else, real estate agents need to adapt their wardrobes to the external weather conditions. To dress up in winters like in New York is easy since you can pull off anything under a nice coat and sweater. However, you must make sure that your coat is fitted and not too loose or too tight. In the summer months, you may be tempted to wear casual trousers and a polo but nothing will triumph a tailored cotton suit and a tie. Fall and springtime may be the best weather to combine your style with comfort.
7) Stick to the goal
Real estate is always serious business and therefore you must dress to be taken seriously. You mustn’t dress in a way that’s distracting and putting off for the clients and investors. Yes, your appearance does play an important role but it’s not the only thing, your personality, tactfulness, reasoning and character should be displayed by you and your clothes tend to show that off. Keep your office neat and clean, hire the best cars for field trips and site visits and blend in with your client’s tastes. Your best professional performance will lead to success.