Trendy Solutions To Hide Hair Loss

Hair loss has always been a prevalent issue not only for men but also for women. In today’s modern-day and age, accepting hair loss or baldness of any form does not have to be the answer. We are far past the age of acceptance, so why not try something new to aid with your hair loss? Listed below are some of the best, most trendy solutions, so you can tackle hair loss your way. 

Trendy Solutions To Hide Hair Loss

Go With the Flow

Sometimes, if your hair is beginning to thin or fall out, the full shave can be the best option. Of course, this is totally dependent on your stylistic choices, and it certainly won’t be for everyone. If you don’t want to go for the full shave, you can create the illusion of thicker, more voluminous hair by simply cutting a few inches off.  By adding some layers, shorter hair can tend to naturally create more volume as it is not weighed down. These “strategic layers” have the ability to add volume to thinning hair, so request your hairstylist to add layers around your face and to leave the back. This will assist in the creation of body and volume.

Blow It!

This is another technique that can help with the volume of your hair, giving it a thicker appearance. Rather than snipping some off, this technique requires you to blow it out after washing your hair. This is an exceptionally easy technique to master and can be done at home. Although effective, in the short term at least, this technique is rather time-consuming, so you may want to seek out a more permanent solution that doesn’t require you to work your arm muscles for excessive amounts of time per day!


There are numerous ways in which you can mask your baldness. Although many men and women wear hair extensions, hair toppers, and wigs/wiglets in the attempt to disguise their thin or fleeting hair, these resources do not always offer the most natural look. Rather than acquiring a hair topper in the hope of masking your bald patch, why not go for something more permanent more natural-looking, with more longevity? A hair transplant may be just what you are looking for. The cheapest you can find worldwide are hair transplants in Turkey, with prices standing at nearly half of what it would cost anywhere else in Europe or the USA. These are usually FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplants, and they are entirely painless, with a very short recovery time. These procedures are suitable for men and women alike, so they are sincerely worth looking into if you want to regain your natural luscious locks once more.

Embrace the greys

If you are lucky enough to not be losing too much of your hair, and you are just beginning to notice grey specks across your coloration, perhaps you should simply embrace the greys. People often associated grey hair with sophistication in this day and age, so don’t be frightened of them! Many younger individuals are even dying their hair grey as a fashion statement, so perhaps you could simply roll with the times and enjoy your trendy aura of sophistication.